I'm anti-gun? That's funny. I think there should be an assault rifle in every home, and that all able-bodied citizens should be required to serve two years in a national militia (or a volunteer organization of their choice, if they wanna be wimps) upon turning 18. This would be accompanied by the abolishment of most of the military, with a reasonable size reserve force, and a kick ass navy and air force, of course. I am very much in favour of arming citizens, I just despise the lack of organization, training and discipline. There are so many negative outcomes that can easily be avoided and so many positive outcomes that can be had, but the debate is constantly ruined by people like you and people like PIers Morgan.
Also, I've been shooting my whole life. So lol.
All that being said, your contribution to this thread (as any other) is totally useless and irrelevant. The only thing you've actually managed to say is that I could have said what I said... better.