by Spider » Thu Apr 11, 2013 8:24 am
What happened was, they killed time by offering revenue, then when it looked like something might actually get done, they 180'd and decided revenue was not acceptable, and wanted more cuts. This was after the "cliff". The revenues were taken back before the sequester. Now that it looks like the cuts might happen, they're 180'ing again and freaking about attacks on entitlements.
They're children.
And they've always been extremely protective of entitlements. They have to be-their voter base is elderly and depends on those entitlements utterly.
Where this meme about the GOP and fiscal conservatism comes from is truly mysterious. They've been spending like drunken sailors for decades, but somehow we have to listen to them self-riteously go on about fiscal responsibility as they push multi-trillion dollar tax cuts that their great grandchildren will still be paying for (with nasty interest) when their hair turns grey.
Listening to Republicans talk about fiscal responsibility is like listening to Lindsey Lohan talk about teaching her Sunday School class how to just say no.
Bah. Moar coffee.