by fstarcstar » Tue Apr 30, 2013 10:23 pm
Xbox live has a huge history of being stable and offering a fantastic gaming/media experience from it paid Xbox service. The PSN network was plagued for years with a lag, horrible server connections, lack of friends and communication, etc. Right now a 12 month subscription goes for 59.99, but I bought one on amazon over the christmas break for $30, so I got a steal for the rest of the year. In regards to the 60, if you divided it by day thats 16 cents a day. For some people who play for hours upon hours upon hours daily, they are getting a great deal.
In regards to the rumors, I think there was one rumor that stated the devloping company decided if the game required an internet connection or not. I also feel that they will make the next gen xbox be completely backwards compatible, so odds are developers and game companies will make the games for the Xbox and it will work just fine on either console (some Sony has sucked balls at and has pissed gamers off), but I really don't think it will require an internet connection because what good is a blu-ray player if it doesn't work offline? There are too many features a current Xbox has that the future Xbox will bring that shouldn't require the internet connection. People use their Xbox as a music device and play music sometimes. I really don't know what its going to do, but I don't think its all doom and gloom like people think.
For anyone here who has a large collection of PS3 games you get stuck with a damn emulator for all intensive purposes won't get all of the new features of the new system. Good luck with that. I think both consoles are going to be powerful, provide awesome new features that I will hardly use, but currently the Xbox by far defeats the Playstation in terms of online play and media. Its a superior console and its why its been the best selling console for months.