In fact...thats an excellent thing we can do with the constitution. We need to be more specific about this church and state thing. No religious anything, in any way shape or form, can be relatable to any publicly funded institution of any kind. No more mention of god in the pledge of allegiance. No more IN GOD WE TRUST on the currency. No more swearing oaths on bibles. No more verse chiseled into any sort of public property anywhere, ever. No more religious groups handing out pamphlets in public schools. No more.
We need to just drop the other shoe and have a total and complete wall of impermeability between the temporal and governmental.
Its the only way to insure liberty and equal representation to any nation with any religious plurality. This is no longer some backwater set of colonies with a nearly entirely Christian population. We've developed into quite a mish-mash, and people are far less religious in general than ever before. All this religion in government is becoming badly out of date, and increasingly it doesn't properly represent the people of the US.