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Texas Voter ID law struck down • Page 15 • General Discussion • Political Crossfire Forums

Texas Voter ID law struck down

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Re: Texas Voter ID law struck down

Postby The Comrade » Tue Sep 04, 2012 6:39 pm

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Re: Texas Voter ID law struck down

Postby Mr.Bill » Tue Sep 04, 2012 7:10 pm

It is fascinating seeing how strong politics have become in this country.. Politics have truly become like a religion..

Here we have people who say they are fiscally conservative Republicans who just because their politicians are telling them voter ID's are needed are willing let the government spend $millions, hell maybe over time $billions on a program that is useless and not needed..

When this is over they'll go back to screaming about their tax $'s being wasted on other useless and unneeded programs.. LOL

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Re: Texas Voter ID law struck down

Postby kyfho » Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:16 pm

"The universe never did make sense; I suspect it was built on government contract."
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Re: Texas Voter ID law struck down

Postby Mo~ » Tue Sep 04, 2012 8:31 pm

I just moved back home from another state and getting my Driver's License changed over was I giant PITA. Needed my Birth Certificate and SS card to begin with.

Well, my BC was in my safe deposit box in UT since I that's kinda the last stuff I bring over after I get secure and settled. So, I ordered one from the state. $13 and a 3 week wait there.

Went to the DMV which is clear the hell on the other side of town and happens to actually be on the outskirts. Good thing I do own a car. Got there, oh, really, I need two "documents" proving my residency. Well, I'm renting from a friend and don't have an actual "Lease Agreement" and I won't be receiving a bill for the electricity or gas for at least another month. OK, I'll come back then. 2 months later, I got them. I go clear the hell on back out to the DMV.

Oh, really, the name on my BC doesn't match my name on my bills and SS card. No shit, Sherlock, I was married and took my husband's name. Why the hell didn't you tell me I needed my marriage license before I came clear the hell out here for a second time. I haven't seen that thing in over 20 freaking years!! Hey, will my divorce papers work?? I think my name was hyphenated on them or that my maiden name was mentioned somewhere in them. Cool, I think I know where the Final Dissolution is. If not, I could have sent another $20 to the state I was married in to get a certified copy and waited again. Fortunately, I did keep my Final Divorce Papers close to home(and the chick at the DMV actually knows me, the X and my BIL, she just really needs the documentation).

Found the Final Divorce papers with my maiden and married name, 2 bills in my name, my BC, SS card and a locket of hair from my dead mother just in case. Paid up another $20 and now I didn't have to worry about being pulled over for driving on WY plates and a UT license anymore three months after the fact. Didn't matter that I didn't have a proper ID since everyone knows me where I do business and I ain't been carded for jack in a while.

Fortunately, I'm not poor, so I have a home, computer, mailing address and make more than "paycheck to paycheck" so $13 on a BC, $20 for a license, $15 if I had had to order a marriage cert., and enough to pay the monthly internet bill so I can order that stuff online which also happens to be the only way I've been able to apply for employment. I also had a car and enough money to pay for gas to get clear the hell out to the freaking DMV 3 damned times.

I haven't really needed my license and I'm not sure if I would be too worried about it if it was much more of a hassle.
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Re: Texas Voter ID law struck down

Postby Ozzone » Wed Sep 05, 2012 7:55 am

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Re: Texas Voter ID law struck down

Postby Indy » Wed Sep 05, 2012 8:12 am

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Re: Texas Voter ID law struck down

Postby The Comrade » Wed Sep 05, 2012 10:58 am

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Re: Texas Voter ID law struck down

Postby Ozzone » Wed Sep 05, 2012 11:32 am

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Re: Texas Voter ID law struck down

Postby buddha » Wed Sep 05, 2012 2:10 pm

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Re: Texas Voter ID law struck down

Postby Indy » Wed Sep 05, 2012 4:29 pm

I believe the issue in Ohio if I'm not mistaken was to make it harder for people to vote in blue counties than it was in red ones. Or maybe I'm mixing states up. But somebody is trying that in the most transparent, baldfaced attempt at voter suppression.

And it ain't the Dems.
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