Didn't chase me off, I just feel like a dickhead arguing against christmas lights.
As to the founders, well...that was better than two centuries ago. I don't think we should be modeling many facets of the 21st on the 18th. I agree with a lot of the thinking of the time, but I don't agree that religion is the proper place to derive morality, at least not anymore. Lots of things happen to line up by default, but on the other hand religion has proven to be quite the sea anchor when it comes to the evolution of social justice, and I don't find my own morals lining up with those espoused by religion as often as I'd demand if I were to accept using religion as an educational and ethical compass for youngsters.
Religion is a human construct, and as such it is just as fallible or possibly immoral as anything else. As I like to say, we should be using our morals to challenge religion, to the end of keeping
it moral, rather than deriving morals from something that may be itself immoral, at least in particular ways. Religion has provided too much of a shield to hide our petty hatreds and intolerances behind by virtue of a couple of obscure lines of verse. Its just too open to really, really, nasty interpretation, and it just takes too long to change religion to suit the times.
Damn you, Kane.