Emerald is Princess Leah (level-headed, looks good in chains)
Kane is Luke Skywalker (incestuous and whiny)
John Galt is C-3PO (he needed to be AI, and he's not an R2D2)
Uebermann is The Emperor (their cackles match in my head, also POWER)
Non is Hans Solo (Cool guy with a heart, has lots of debt)
The Comrade is R2D2 (He's cute and seemingly sarcastic. Also, one-liners.)
Dontworrybehappy is Boba Fett (goes after libruls in this version of Star Wars)
NAB as the dude who gets choked out by Vader after his Death Star supreme power in the universe speech.
Winchester as Obi-Wan Kenobi (wise guy with the force)
LNRW as Chewbacca (nice as hell until you beat him, in which case he'll rip your arms off)
Your casting choices?