Meh. The people who go the private schools are the ones who can afford it, or who've been given a ride. Private schools can charge whatever they want...because they're private. Its not as though anyone is forced to attend. Things only cost what people are willing to pay.
The vast bulk go to public schools...and the cost of some of those truly is obscene. There is just no acceptable reason for it. In my day, (all of a decade ago) it cost less than $5000 a year for tuition.
This is probably more realistic:

Living expenses are another story, and depend on what sort of lifestyle the student demands. I worked a job and supported myself out of pocket, for the first couple years anyways. Then I scored sweet scholarships. People get into trouble when they live
la vida loca on credit for years at a time. The actual cost isn't indicative of school expenses, but their choice of living expenses.