I would like to know the exact chemical makeup of the cartridges. Gotta wonder what chemicals are going in there besides nicotine. And nicotine really is poison.We can't pretend its benign...but I'm not convinced at these dosages its all that much worse than the various other toxic substances we enjoy. Its just kinda creepy considering that nicotine used to be widely used as insecticide.
Interesting the sorts of laws that are starting to pop up. Since its not a tobacco product, the tobacco laws don't apply, and states have been trying to individually come up with their own rules...even to simply make it illegal for kids to purchase them. I think in my state any 10 year old with a 20 dollar bill and the urge to piss off his parents can walk into a store and buy them.
Its hilarious, watching them scramble around. They can't prove its in any way as harmful as smoking, or even as harmful as a greasy cheeseburger...but they trip all over themselves trying to find some way to ban it...even though they can't find a way to justify it.